
Rams includes everything you need to share your content in an impactful way, and nothing more. There are no widget areas or sliders to set up. Activate the theme and get blogging.

Responsive & Retina Ready

No desktop? No problem. Rams scales gracefully all the way down to 3.5 inch smartphones, and it offers a great reading experience on tablets as well.

Post Format Support

That doesn’t mean that Rams skimps on the presentation, though. The included gallery and quote post formats all come with unique and visually impactful styling.

Custom Accent Color

The one theme option that Rams does include is color control. Change the background color of the sidebar and the accent color of the content with the click of a button.

Jetpack Integration

Rams comes with built-in support for Jetpacks infinite scroll-function and tiled gallery. Install Jetpack and activate the functions, and you’re ready to go.

Gutenberg Support

Rams includes full editor styles and block support for the new Gutenberg editor, as well as support for the Classic Editor.



Release date

Last update

