When I tell people that I’m moving to Italy, they usually ask what I’ll be doing there (teaching English) and how I came to my decision to do that. Since I get asked this so much, I thought this might be a good thing to write about.



During my junior year of college, I studied abroad in Antwerp, Belgium for three months. I had an absolute blast there and grew so much as a person, and officially caught the travel bug.

That March, I went to Nicaragua for an alternative spring break trip. During that trip, our group got to sit in with a class at the university in Leon, with a group of students who spoke English fairly well. We each paired up with a student and helped them work on their assignments about US History. The professor was a Peace Corp volunteer, and I absolutely loved how he worked with the students, and I enjoyed meeting all of them. I’ve always liked teaching but never saw myself doing it as a career.

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